Step 1 - Community Intro

Over the past year, we have been diligently working on a comprehensive plan to address the current and future needs of our schools. This journey started in 2023 when we included specific questions about our facilities in our strategic plan survey. Your feedback was invaluable and set the foundation for our planning efforts.

This year, we formed a working group with a variety of perspectives whose goal was to ensure safe learning environments for students. The team took into consideration the projected growth of our city, the current utilization rates of our schools, maintenance, site improvements, and funding limitations.

We want you, our community, to be informed about our current challenges, those we will be facing, as well as what funding is available to us for potential solutions. On this page you'll find helpful videos and presentations to inform you on the decisions we will need to make together during our community working session. We look forward to seeing you this fall.

Step 2 - Review the Data

Current Challenge

Elementary Current & 6-Year Projected Utilization Map

Current Utilization: Current schools experiencing over utilization are: Riverway, Annie R. Mitchell, etc. Projected Utilization: Current schools experiencing over utilization are: Riverway, Annie R. Mitchell, etc.

Middle Schools Current & 6-Year Projected Utilization Map

Current Projected

High Schools Current & 6-Year Projected Utilization Map

Current Projected

Projected Challenge

Elementary School Boundaries Against Projected City Growth

Current Boundaries After

Middle School Boundaries Against Projected City Growth

Before Growth After Growth

High School Boundaries Against Projected City Growth

Before Growth After Growth

Funding Options

What's Next

Step 3 - Watch the Presentation

Step 4 - Take Some Quick Polls

Poll 1

Which is the most important factor for long range facility planning to you?

Poll 2

How important is opportunity and access to programs like Visual & Performing Arts (VAPA), sports, and after school activities for you?

Step 5 - Give Feedback

We're excited to host community workshops this fall to present options to our community on how we move forward together. During the workshops, you will have the opportunity to dive into the work and help make impactful decisions for all VUSD students.

Sessions will be at multiple school sites and will be roughly and hour and a half long. Child care will be provided for families in need. If you can't make it to a session, please leave us your feedback down below.

Community Workshops

September 19, 2024 @6:00 PM

Mt. Whitney High School

September 26, 2024 @6:00 PM

Linell Camp

October 1, 2024 @6:00 PM

Goshen Community

October 3, 2024 @6:00 PM

Ivanhoe Elementary School

October 10, 2024 @6:00 PM

La Joya Middle School

October 22, 2024 @6:00 PM

Ridgeview Middle School

October 29, 2024 @6:00 PM

Golden West High School

Provide a short summary of your question.

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Provide detailed information relating to your question.

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Select a respondent from the list that you would most like to answer your question.

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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Erik Kehrer

Chief Operations Officer

Nathan Hernandez

Chief Financial Officer

{{ question.username }} asked


{{ }}
| Edited

Answer this question

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Provide the answer to the question. Answer can be saved as draft and published when complete.

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Provide a thought

What are some thoughts you have or what are some possible options you would like to see?

In the videos above, you heard about our current and projected challenge. We want to hear some possible options you would like us to explore. (max 140 characters).

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