About the Short-Term Plan

This plan comes after more than a year-long process to analyze school facility use, city growth, and community input. This plan is just a piece of VUSD’s comprehensive Facilities Plan aimed at enhancing the educational environment for all students and staff and ensuring that every school is equipped with the appropriate resources to ensure student success.

The short-term plan presented at the November 19th board meeting includes boundary changes for a little over 1,000 students in the following schools: Annie R. Mitchell, Divisadero, Global Learning Charter, Golden West, Mt. Whitney, Pinkham, Ridgeview, Riverway, and Royal Oaks. This change alleviates student imbalances at seven schools who are at an over 100% utilization rate. Some schools, like Annie R. Mitchell, Denton, and Riverway are at an over 120% utilization rate.

Pending Boundary Changes for 2025-2026

  1. You can move within the map to your desired location, or type in an address to zoom to the neighborhood.
  2. Areas with boundary changes will be highlighted in a color.
  3. Zoom out and click on the magnifying glass icon to view a list of your boundary changes.
  4. If your address is not highlighted, you will not have a boundary change in the fall.

Info Sessions

This is an opportunity to view maps and ask questions.

November 21, 2024 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Info Session @ Annie R. Mitchell

Meet in the cafeteria.

December 03, 2024 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Info Session @ GLC

Meet in the cafeteria.

December 03, 2024 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Info Session @ Riverway

Meet in the cafeteria.

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Select a respondent from the list that you would most like to answer your question.

Moderation Policy

These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Andy DiMeo

Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services

Erik Kehrer

Chief Operations Officer

Mark Thompson

Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning

Nathan Hernandez

Chief Financial Officer

{{ question.username }} asked


{{ answer.respondent.name }}
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